Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Engagement with Employees, 6 Ways to Add Retention

In the call center industry, employee dissatisfaction is a major hot-button issue. Too many companies hire good people only to let them flounder once they come aboard. Employees who are content with their current position are actively seeking greater meaning and engagement from their positions; an attitude and activity that must be nurtured and encouraged.

  1. People want to be valued, cared about, listened to, appreciated, respected, and involved. These values directly relate to basic human needs that, if nurtured, will contribute to an employee that exhibits ‘leadership from the heart’. 
  2. ‘Face to Face’ appreciation for a job well done carries clout and strengthens workplace relationships. 
  3. People need to feel that their work is valuable and makes an impact.
  4. Create a healthy work environment by committing to positively blend the different generational needs and values of the workforce to leverage their diverse strengths of knowledge and skills towards productive activity.
  5. Set reasonable expectations for work-life balance and affirm them with positive reinforcement and incentives.
  6. Encourage creative out-of-the box thinking.  Let employees know you’re receptive to new ideas.
Your employees directly affect client experience and the bottom line. The moral of the story is if a company does right by the employees, they will do right by the clients, and new business will follow as a consequence.  A simple statement that requires a complex approach.

Please contact Call Center Pros for any call center technology need or telecom challenge.

Thank you,

James Wilson, CEO
Call Center Pros
+1-404 936 4000

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