Tuesday, October 25, 2016

True OmniChannel for Call Centers

The only way to effectively combat your customers’ game of channel pinball, is to implement an OmniChannel approach. This way, your brand story is able to consistently unfold the way it was intended. Deploy new services seamlessly without headaches. Many OmniChannel companies offer modular APIs, to give you exactly what fits your business needs and integrates your current systems and other business applications with ease. To help you keep up with constantly changing consumer behavior, we found the OmniChannel Solutions that work the best. These are engineered to support innovative technology; enabling you to expand your partner ecosystem and add new revenue streams.

We found many call centers are seeking OmniChannel solution. We have researched many “OmniChannel” solutions and most of them fall into what we call MultiChannel. A true OmniChannel solution will enable agent to read the history no matter the channel (Chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Twitter DM and other Social Media). And with true OmniChannel there must be intelligence - either workflow systems or AI or Analytics for intelligence. Without the intelligence on the back end, it is MultiChannel. Many companies are claiming to offer OmniChannel but when each channel is in a silo, then it is MultiChannel.

The choice of OmniChannel Call Center platforms we qualified, houses all the essentials that are core to a true OmniChannel experience. With the ability to plug in new services as you want, the possibilities are endless. What are the true one-to-one OmniChannels today for Call Centers:
  • Voice
  • Email (automation)
  • Chat
  • SMS / Text
  • Self Service (through Chat, SMS or Social Media)
  • Desktop sharing
Or social media channels:
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Twitter DM
  • WeChat
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
Agents eliminate the need to switch between countless number of application screens. We find “win-win-win” solutions, so our clients are happy, your agents are happy and your customers are happy. We find solutions that are simply the best experience for everybody.

OmniChannel Benefits

  • Reduce call center traffic
Reduce inbound voice call load into contact centers at peak and off-peak times, by providing alternative channels to voice, to quickly communicate with agents.
  • Reduce operational costs
OmniChannel is a low-cost option and helps reduce operational costs. The average SMS/Text session is up to 75% cheaper than the average voice call, and Facebook Messenger chat and other Social Media chat are effectively free.
  • Reduce agent attrition and absence
Agents that use text chat are buffered from angry customer voice calls. Auto-blocking of expletive chat text also gives agents a more pleasant, less stressful experience.
  • Increase customer satisfaction
Providing a fast, convenient way to reach agents is a great way to improve satisfaction. 64% of consumers would prefer to use SMS instead of voice as a customer service channel.
  • Increase agent productivity
Agents can manage multiple inbound customer service or sales conversations simultaneously; ensuring voice is used at the right moment to drive the best results.
  • Increase outbound sales success
Agents can ‘warm up’ prospects before calling, using text chat, to agree the best time to call. This results in a 50–60% increase in call pickup, a faster sales cycle, and conversion.

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